LAVA Broadway on My Mind walking tour #9 May 2014
Join us the latest installment of The Flaneur & The City: Broadway On My Mind walking tour series. (This tour series was originally titled Broadway Streetscape Master Plan Awareness walking tour.)
About This Tour:
This month’s tour will be the first of several tours which focus on the architect, Robert Brown Young, whose career spans the 19th & 20th century, residential and commercial. His work on Broadway is the perfect setting to begin to understand Young and his iconic structures.
Our goal with these tours is to explore the history of the built environment on Broadway, while seeking to understand the scope of the work of Strategy One, Phase One of the Broadway Streetscape Master Plan and the “Road Diet,” which has recently begun.
Press clippings: the walking tour series is featured in Mike Sonksen’s KCET Departures report, “Punk Rock, Poetry, and Public Policy.”
Video from previous Broadway On My Mind walking tours: tour #1, tour #2, tour #3, tour #4, tour #5.